It is not compatible with with SD console software V634. Like all DiGiCo consoles, the SD10-24 software runs on a standard PC or Intel- based Macintosh for offline preparation and remote control of the console. Dante Rack Utility V1.1.0 Rack Firmware Updater and Remote Control. Choose between two versions of the SD8: 37 feature-packed channels arranged in three. The DiGiCo SD App requires V685+ of SD console software and External Control must be activated on the console. S21 V3.0.15 Console Updater (30/11/22) DOWNLOAD. Relish the exceptional versatility of the SD8 featuring the same Stealth Digital Processing and floating point Super FPGA technology as the flagship SD7, the SD8 has been engineered to provide an intuitive workflow and infinite expansion possibilities to enhance your live performance mixing experience.

The DiGiCo SD app permanently displays an overview of the console layout, so you can select any available console bank and have the same user-friendly operation you’re already familiar with, but without being tied to your console. Note that S Series Console software is available for. For Earlier versions of SD console software, please contact your local dealer / distributor. Download Links can be found on each of the products download pages. It allows remote, wireless control of any DiGiCo SD mixing console, from the compact SD11 right up to the flagship SD7, wherever you are. As of Version V1143 the DiGiCo website allows users to download SD console software, offline software and the SD Convert program. The DiGiCo SD app is the perfect way to control your DiGiCo SD console straight from your Apple iPad.

Set yourself free with the DiGiCo SD app.